These demonic fiends are nearly as visually jarring as they are threatening. Composed of two humanoid torsos attached at the waists toTera Gold a spinning bladed ring, one half of the disc reaper makes up the "feet" while the other lashes out from above. While facing off against disc reapers, we encountered and avoided their main attack—gyrating and launching their eponymous disc at foes. These monsters also are very agile and will backflip away from melee and ranged attacks, torso over torso in a series of handstands. This combination of ranged attacks and quick dodges makes disc reapers challenging to defeat.
Right. Well. Priests are squishy and shouldn't try blocking incoming damage with their faces. Using the Heal Thyself spell is also good advice that I failed to follow. I swear I didn't think I was that low on health, Karascha simply hits that hard. Learn from my error, future priests. It'll save you a long run and costly teleport from the resurrection location. Also, listen to the pleas of the NPC healer who kept begging us to stay nearby so he could heal us.
Leander appears at the Tainted Gorge outpost and receives our report about the "death" of Karascha. Unfortunately Karascha's final words sounded more like an "I'll be back!" than a "Oh, what a world!" so I'm putting my deerstalker on and going to take a wild stab that we haven't seen the last of him. Leander tells us that our work here is done and that we should report back to the Tower Base to see how we can next serve the federation.
Turning in the story quest involving Karascha causes both Amareth and AnungUnRama to hit level 11, the requirement for departing the Island of Dawn.
Buy RS Gold We return to Tower Base to empty our inventory of loot and collect new skills (since we didn't pick them up at level 10). Amareth gains her first "heal other" spell, Focus Heal, which allows her to target two party members and replenish some of their health. She also gets an upgraded Triple Nemesis and a new area-of-effect skill called Final Reprisal. This ability channels damaging energy into the priest's staff and then unleashes it in a melee-range circle around the caster.
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