
Turning in the story quest involving Karascha

  Karascha is easily the largest monster we've fought yet and by far the most challenging. He's strong—just a few hits will take off a good part of your health—and he's fast for a colossal demon. He'll jump and stomp and swipe and kill. Amareth found that out the hard way. While fighting Karascha, she succumbed to her wounds, and our party had its very first death. It was a close second for Anung, who had to run off, use some bandages, and hide behind some pillars while he recovered, waiting for Amareth's return.

Turning in the story quest involving Karascha causes both Amareth and AnungUnRama to hit level 11, the requirement for departing the Island of Dawn. We return to Tower Base to empty our inventory of loot and collect new skills (since we didn't pick them up at level 10). Amareth gains her first "heal other" spell, Focus Heal, which allows her to target two party members and replenish some of their health. She also gets an upgraded Triple Nemesis and a new area-of-effect skill called Final Reprisal. This ability channels damaging energy into the priest's staff and then unleashes it in a melee-range circle around the caster.

Back at Tower Base Counselor Teil says it's time to ride off into the sunset. We're to pack our things and report to the Pegasus Platform immediately for transport to Velika, and the next phase of our service to the federation. Boot camp is officially over and the wider world awaits!

